Friday, November 28, 2008
yang pertama... dan yang terakhir.
ini foto bareng ruri yg pertama..desember 2002. baru jadian... :D

...dan ini foto terakhir kita berdua. lebaran 2008.
love you... so much. :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
I saw your face in front of me it was perfect clarity I saw a light in the end of the tunnel and it was you 'cause you are the light by which I travel into this and that you are the light you are the light by which I travel into this and that
It sounds so obvious, so obvious why would anyone need a map or a compass? it's so beautiful, to be guided by you 'cause you are the light you are the light by which I travel into this and that you are the light.
(You are the light - Jens Lekman)
Ada yg berencana nonton konsernya Jens Lekman di Bandung? gue kayaknya berangkat..
Friday, November 21, 2008
happy friday, my friday!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
ngga tau kenapa, dari dulu gue pengen punya anak kembar. 1 cowok, 1 cewek.
ngga tau juga, bisa kesampean atau ngga... :D
dan ngomong2 soal kembar, gue & ruri sering banget disangka kembar.. despite of the fact bahwa kita memang lahir di hari yang sama, gue sih ngerasa kita sebenernya ngga mirip2 amat kok..
pernah waktu gw, ruri & nyokap gw jalan2 bertiga, lagi survey mas kawin waktu mau nikah dulu. si pemilik toko nanya ke nyokap, "Bu, anaknya kembar ya?" "Iya," jawab nyokap. "Aku yang kakaknya," tambah ruri.
si pemilik toko pun manggut-manggut percaya. :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
You can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes well you just might find you get what you need
-The Rolling Stones-